Source code for kivy.lib.osc.oscAPI

# pylint: disable=W0611
'''    simpleOSC 0.2
    ixi software - July, 2006

    simple API  for the Open SoundControl for Python (by Daniel Holth, Clinton
    McChesney --> pyKit.tar.gz file at
    Documentation at

    The main aim of this implementation is to provide with a simple way to deal
    with the OSC implementation that makes life easier to those who don't have
    understanding of sockets or programming. This would not be on your screen without the help
    of Daniel Holth.

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    Lesser General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

    Thanks for the support to Buchsenhausen, Innsbruck, Austria.

from . import OSC
import socket, os, time, errno, sys
from threading import Lock
from kivy.logger import Logger
    # multiprocessing support is not good on window
    if sys.platform in ('win32', 'cygwin'):
    use_multiprocessing = True
    from multiprocessing import Process, Queue, Value
    import multiprocessing.synchronize'OSC: using <multiprocessing> for socket')
    use_multiprocessing = False
    from collections import deque
    from threading import Thread'OSC: using <thread> for socket')

# globals
outSocket      = 0
oscThreads     = {}
oscLock        = Lock()

if use_multiprocessing:
    def _readQueue(thread_id=None):
        global oscThreads
        thread = oscThreads[thread_id]
            while True:
                message = thread.queue.get_nowait()

    class _OSCServer(Process):
        def __init__(self, **kwargs):
            self.addressManager = OSC.CallbackManager()
            self.queue = Queue()
            Process.__init__(self, args=(self.queue,))
            self.daemon     = True
            self._isRunning = Value('b', True)
            self._haveSocket= Value('b', False)

        def _queue_message(self, message):

        def _get_isRunning(self):
            return self._isRunning.value

        def _set_isRunning(self, value):
            self._isRunning.value = value
        isRunning = property(_get_isRunning, _set_isRunning)

        def _get_haveSocket(self):
            return self._haveSocket.value

        def _set_haveSocket(self, value):
            self._haveSocket.value = value
        haveSocket = property(_get_haveSocket, _set_haveSocket)
    def _readQueue(thread_id=None):
        thread = oscThreads[thread_id]

        q = thread.queue
        h = thread.addressManager.handle

        while q:

    class _OSCServer(Thread):
        def __init__(self, **kwargs):
            self.addressManager = OSC.CallbackManager()
            self.queue = deque()
            self.daemon = True
            self.isRunning = True
            self.haveSocket = False

        def _queue_message(self, message):

[docs]def init() : '''instantiates address manager and outsocket as globals ''' global outSocket outSocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
[docs]def bind(oscid, func, oscaddress): '''bind given oscaddresses with given functions in address manager ''' global oscThreads thread = oscThreads.get(oscid, None) if thread is None: assert('Unknown thread') thread.addressManager.add(func, oscaddress)
[docs]def sendMsg(oscAddress, dataArray=[], ipAddr='', port=9000, typehint=None) : '''create and send normal OSC msgs defaults to '', port 9000 ''' with oscLock: outSocket.sendto( createBinaryMsg(oscAddress, dataArray, typehint), (ipAddr, port))
[docs]def createBundle(): '''create bundled type of OSC messages ''' b = OSC.OSCMessage() b.address = "" b.append(b"#bundle") b.append(0) b.append(0) return b
[docs]def appendToBundle(bundle, oscAddress, dataArray): '''create OSC message and append it to a given bundle ''' bundle.append(createBinaryMsg(oscAddress, dataArray), b'b')
[docs]def sendBundle(bundle, ipAddr='', port=9000) : '''convert bundle to a binary and send it ''' with oscLock: outSocket.sendto(bundle.message, (ipAddr, port))
[docs]def createBinaryMsg(oscAddress, dataArray, typehint=None): '''create and return general type binary OSC msg ''' m = OSC.OSCMessage() m.address = oscAddress for x in dataArray: m.append(x, typehint) return m.getBinary()
[docs]def readQueue(thread_id=None): '''Read queues from all threads, and dispatch message. This must be call in the main thread. You can pass the thread id to deque message from a specific thread. This id is returned from the listen() function''' return _readQueue(thread_id)
################################ receive osc from The Other. class OSCServer(_OSCServer): def __init__(self, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault('ipAddr', '') kwargs.setdefault('port', 9001) super(OSCServer, self).__init__() self.ipAddr = kwargs.get('ipAddr') self.port = kwargs.get('port') def run(self): self.haveSocket = False # create socket self.socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) # fix trouble if python leave without cleaning well the socket # not needed under windows, he can reuse addr even if the socket # are in fin2 or wait state. if in ['posix', 'mac'] and hasattr(socket, 'SO_REUSEADDR'): self.socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) # try to bind the socket, retry if necessary while not self.haveSocket and self.isRunning: try : self.socket.bind((self.ipAddr, self.port)) self.socket.settimeout(0.5) self.haveSocket = True except socket.error as e: error, message = e.args # special handle for EADDRINUSE if error == errno.EADDRINUSE: Logger.error('OSC: Address %s:%i already in use, retry in 2 second' % (self.ipAddr, self.port)) else: self.haveSocket = False # sleep 2 second before retry time.sleep(2)'OSC: listening for Tuio on %s:%i' % (self.ipAddr, self.port)) while self.isRunning: try: message = self.socket.recv(65535) self._queue_message(message) except Exception as e: if type(e) == socket.timeout: continue Logger.exception('OSC: Error in Tuio recv()') return 'no data arrived'
[docs]def listen(ipAddr='', port=9001): '''Creates a new thread listening to that port defaults to ipAddr='', port 9001 ''' global oscThreads thread_id = '%s:%d' % (ipAddr, port) if thread_id in oscThreads: return Logger.debug('OSC: Start thread <%s>' % thread_id) oscThreads[thread_id] = OSCServer(ipAddr=ipAddr, port=port) oscThreads[thread_id].start() return thread_id
[docs]def dontListen(thread_id = None): '''closes the socket and kills the thread ''' global oscThreads if thread_id and thread_id in oscThreads: ids = [thread_id] else: ids = list(oscThreads.keys()) for thread_id in ids: #oscThreads[thread_id].socket.close() Logger.debug('OSC: Stop thread <%s>' % thread_id) oscThreads[thread_id].isRunning = False oscThreads[thread_id].join() Logger.debug('OSC: Stop thread <%s> finished' % thread_id) del oscThreads[thread_id]
if __name__ == '__main__': # example of how to use oscAPI init() oscid = listen() # defaults to "", 9001 time.sleep(5) # add addresses to callback manager def printStuff(msg): '''deals with "print" tagged OSC addresses ''' print("printing in the printStuff function ", msg) print("the oscaddress is ", msg[0]) print("the value is ", msg[2]) bind(oscid, printStuff, "/test") #send normal msg, two ways sendMsg("/test", [1, 2, 3], "", 9000) sendMsg("/test2", [1, 2, 3]) # defaults to "", 9000 sendMsg("/hello") # defaults to [], "", 9000 # create and send bundle, to ways to send bundle = createBundle() appendToBundle(bundle, "/testing/bundles", [1, 2, 3]) appendToBundle(bundle, "/testing/bundles", [4, 5, 6]) sendBundle(bundle, "", 9000) sendBundle(bundle) # defaults to "", 9000 dontListen() # finally close the connection bfore exiting or program