Source code for kivy.input.providers.wm_touch

Support for WM_TOUCH messages (Windows platform)

__all__ = ('WM_MotionEventProvider', 'WM_MotionEvent')

import os
from kivy.input.providers.wm_common import *
from kivy.input.motionevent import MotionEvent
from kivy.input.shape import ShapeRect

Window = None

[docs]class WM_MotionEvent(MotionEvent): '''MotionEvent representing the WM_MotionEvent event. Supports pos, shape and size profiles. ''' __attrs__ = ('size', ) def depack(self, args): self.is_touch = True self.shape = ShapeRect(), = args[0], args[1] self.shape.width = args[2][0] self.shape.height = args[2][1] self.size = self.shape.width * self.shape.height self.profile = ('pos', 'shape', 'size') super(WM_MotionEvent, self).depack(args) def __str__(self): args = (, self.uid, str(self.spos), self.device) return '<WMMotionEvent id:%d uid:%d pos:%s device:%s>' % args
if 'KIVY_DOC' in os.environ: # documentation hack WM_MotionEventProvider = None else: from ctypes.wintypes import HANDLE from ctypes import (windll, sizeof, byref) from collections import deque from kivy.input.provider import MotionEventProvider from kivy.input.factory import MotionEventFactory class WM_MotionEventProvider(MotionEventProvider): def start(self): global Window if not Window: from kivy.core.window import Window self.touch_events = deque() self.touches = {} self.uid = 0 # get window handle, and register to receive WM_TOUCH messages self.hwnd = windll.user32.GetActiveWindow() windll.user32.RegisterTouchWindow(self.hwnd, 1) # inject our own wndProc to handle messages # before window manager does self.new_windProc = WNDPROC(self._touch_wndProc) self.old_windProc = SetWindowLong_wrapper( self.hwnd, GWL_WNDPROC, self.new_windProc) def update(self, dispatch_fn): c_rect = RECT() windll.user32.GetClientRect(self.hwnd, byref(c_rect)) pt = POINT(x=0, y=0) windll.user32.ClientToScreen(self.hwnd, byref(pt)) x_offset, y_offset = pt.x, pt.y usable_w, usable_h = float(c_rect.w), float(c_rect.h) while True: try: t = self.touch_events.pop() except: break # adjust x,y to window coordinates (0.0 to 1.0) x = (t.screen_x() - x_offset) / usable_w y = 1.0 - (t.screen_y() - y_offset) / usable_h # actually dispatch input if t.event_type == 'begin': self.uid += 1 self.touches[] = WM_MotionEvent( self.device, self.uid, [x, y, t.size()]) dispatch_fn('begin', self.touches[]) if t.event_type == 'update' and in self.touches: self.touches[].move([x, y, t.size()]) dispatch_fn('update', self.touches[]) if t.event_type == 'end' and in self.touches: touch = self.touches[] touch.move([x, y, t.size()]) touch.update_time_end() dispatch_fn('end', touch) del self.touches[] def stop(self): windll.user32.UnregisterTouchWindow(self.hwnd) self.new_windProc = SetWindowLong_wrapper( self.hwnd, GWL_WNDPROC, self.old_windProc) # we inject this wndProc into our main window, to process # WM_TOUCH and mouse messages before the window manager does def _touch_wndProc(self, hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam): done = False if msg == WM_TABLET_QUERYSYSTEMGESTURE: return QUERYSYSTEMGESTURE_WNDPROC if msg == WM_TOUCH: done = self._touch_handler(msg, wParam, lParam) if msg >= WM_MOUSEMOVE and msg <= WM_MOUSELAST: done = self._mouse_handler(msg, wParam, lParam) if not done: return windll.user32.CallWindowProcW(self.old_windProc, hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam) return 1 # this on pushes WM_TOUCH messages onto our event stack def _touch_handler(self, msg, wParam, lParam): touches = (TOUCHINPUT * wParam)() windll.user32.GetTouchInputInfo(HANDLE(lParam), wParam, touches, sizeof(TOUCHINPUT)) for i in range(wParam): self.touch_events.appendleft(touches[i]) windll.user32.CloseTouchInputHandle(HANDLE(lParam)) return True # filter fake mouse events, because touch and stylus # also make mouse events def _mouse_handler(self, msg, wparam, lParam): info = windll.user32.GetMessageExtraInfo() # its a touch or a pen if (info & PEN_OR_TOUCH_MASK) == PEN_OR_TOUCH_SIGNATURE: if info & PEN_EVENT_TOUCH_MASK: return True MotionEventFactory.register('wm_touch', WM_MotionEventProvider)