Source code for kivy.adapters.simplelistadapter


.. versionadded:: 1.5

.. deprecated:: 1.10.0
    The feature has been deprecated.

.. warning::

    This code is still experimental, and its API is subject to change in a
    future version.

The :class:`~kivy.adapters.simplelistadapter.SimpleListAdapter` is used for
basic lists. For example, it can be used for displaying a list of read-only
strings that do not require user interaction.


__all__ = ('SimpleListAdapter', )

from kivy.adapters.adapter import Adapter
from import ListProperty
from kivy.lang import Builder
from kivy.utils import deprecated

[docs]class SimpleListAdapter(Adapter): '''A :class:`~kivy.adapters.simplelistadapter.SimpleListAdapter` is an adapter around a Python list. From :class:`~kivy.adapters.adapter.Adapter`, the :class:`~kivy.adapters.simplelistadapter.ListAdapter` gets cls, template, and args_converter properties. ''' data = ListProperty([]) '''The data list property contains a list of objects (which can be strings) that will be used directly if no args_converter function is provided. If there is an args_converter, the data objects will be passed to it for instantiating the item view class instances. :attr:`data` is a :class:`` and defaults to []. ''' @deprecated def __init__(self, **kwargs): if 'data' not in kwargs: raise Exception('list adapter: input must include data argument') if not isinstance(kwargs['data'], list) and \ not isinstance(kwargs['data'], tuple): raise Exception('list adapter: data must be a tuple or list') super(SimpleListAdapter, self).__init__(**kwargs) def get_count(self): return len( def get_data_item(self, index): if index < 0 or index >= len( return None return[index] # Returns a view instance for an item. def get_view(self, index): item = self.get_data_item(index) if item is None: return None item_args = self.args_converter(index, item) cls = self.get_cls() if cls: instance = cls(**item_args) return instance else: return Builder.template(self.template, **item_args)